This adventurous feature film is a sequel to Paul Verhoeven's legendary youth series from 1969. In this modern film version - the Middle Ages are more imaginative and larded with anachronistic jokes - the story revolves around Floris (grandson of Rutger Hauer's character from the series), a peace-loving bloke whose father despises him because he refuses to carry on the family tradition of stout-hearted knights defending freedom: Floris is an actor. To prove to his father that he can still be a hero, he helps him search for a missing sacred relic with special powers. This is the last hope for the Duke of Burgundy, his father's boss, to eliminate the mean Duchess of Gelre. Along with his oriental girlfriend Pi, Floris goes through some perilous moments when he enters into battle with the duchess and her stooges Van Rossum jr., Kleine Pier jr. and Sergeant jr..
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