Zachariayude Garbhinikal is a 2013 Malayalam–language comedy-drama film written and directed by Aneesh Anwar. The film narrates the incidents in the life of a gynaecologist and five women who come into his life. Lal appears as the gynaecologist while Rima Kallingal, Sanusha, Geetha, Asha Sharreth, and Sandra Thomas play the roles of five pregnant women. Sandra Thomas also produced the film along with her father Thomas Joseph Pattathanam under the banner of Friday Cinema House. Vishnu Narayan was the cinematographer and the music was composed by Vishnu- Sharath. The film started production in May 2013 from Kochi, Kerala and released on 27 September 2013.
Zacharia's wife
Sister Jasmine Jennifer
Zaira's father
Zaira's Mother
Anuradha's husband
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